Chariots for Jesus
Well as many of you have heard Charlotte Motor Speedway has requested that Sons of Thunder Ministry, Inc. stop transporting handicapable and bottlely handicapped) folks at the track. Chariots for Jesus had been an important part of that track for many years. But, the track representative said "They have a new ministry that can handle our ministry and therefore they no longer needed us.
Chariots for Jesus is still working in various locations around the community and recently requested that the Balloon Ralley allow Chariots for Jesus to work with the Charity in the future.
Looking forward to our continued service at the Mountain Creek Speedway, The Charlotte Expo, CPLMS/CCMS, and Millbridge Speedway if needed.
The Summer Shootout Out was awesome!
• We pray that folks continue to support the ministry as we try to help other needs in the community.